The third ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place online on 28th October 2021.
Here is a short summary of the meeting and its conclusions:
Firstly, Wojciech Adamczyk, Principal Investigator of the ACTIVATE project started the meeting by greeting all of the participants and presenting the agenda of the meeting. Then, he made a general summary of current status of the project. Prof. W. Adamczyk focused on summing up of achievements, already obtained deliverables and milestones and on these which are expected this year (2021).
WP1 progress – presented by NTNU
David Emberson presented the current situation in WP1. The partners were informed that Hatz engine with diesel common rail injection has been commissioned and that the injector has been modified to find suitable hole number for fuel flow. David Emberson showed single-, two- and three-hole injector maps leading to that conclusions. The system for NH3 injection is almost designed. The test rig has been equipped with an extra purge system.
WP2 progress – presented by SUT and UAK
Grzegorz Przybyla presented the progress and challenges in WP2. The WP2 leader explained all details connected with test rig preparations. Then, Ebrahim Nadimi presented initial experimental results of biodiesel combustion accompanied by ammonia port injection. Fuel characteristics of Diesel and Biodiesel were shown. Initial test campaigns with ammonia have already begun. Subsequently, Marcin Jewiarz from UAK summed up his team’s work performed within WP2. All details are documented in deliverable D2.2. The presentation included explanation of initial field tests, trolley test tracks, exemplary field activity (plowing). Marcin summed up the results focusing on power, torque and emission at different speeds and driving variants.
WP3 progress – presented by LOGE and NTNU
Michal Pasternak and Michal Lewandowski made a summary of the WP3 and WP1 parts focused on numerical model development. The progress is confirmed by achieved milestone M3.1 – Modelling of ammonia injection. This milestone covered GDI injector positioning and Ammonia spray modelling. It was also connected with the preparation of deliverable D3.1 Analysis of ammonia injection inthe Hatz engine. The results of the analysis took into account: mixing time, cooling effect, fuelevaporation and mixture formation. Michal Pasternak presented also the new add-on to the model, that is Surrogate fuel modelling. Some modification to planned tasks time period were presented due to internal needs. The modifications do not influence achievement of planned milestones and deliverables.
WP4 progress – presented by SUT
Karolina Petela and Mateusz Proniewicz presented the progress within Work Package 4. The summary referred to achieved Deliverable D4.1 and Milestone M4.1 that is Inventory Analysis. It was agreed that due to experimental challenges and limited access to test results, the curent version of Inventory Analysis is the first iteration of it basing in total on assumptions made on the basis of literature review and built-in GaBi models. The need for reliable data exchange between partners was highlighted.
Financial aspects, reporting issues and project promotion
Wojciech Adamczyk summed up current status of the budget, actual and forecasted spendings. Principal Investigator reminded also about planned indicators to be achieved. Karolina Petela pulled attention to the upcoming financial and substantive report submission. It should be submitted till end of February 2022 and general expectations of the report were explained. Apart from that, the deadlines for Milestone and Deliverables reports were reminded. Karolina Petela presented also project promotion issues. Promotional seminar of the project is planned for 1 December 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, the seminar is organized online via Ms Teams platform. So far 60 participants are registered included academic and industrial representatives. The whole Communication Plan was also presented once more.