Project Activate

Technology demonstration

Experimental development phase where the technology will be demonstrated using agricultural SCOUT 15T tractor. The knowledge and experience gained during WP1 and WP2 will be used in WP5 where developed technology will be presented in operational condition reaching TRL 7.

Field test

During the field test, the functionality of all devices will be monitored under practical relevant conditions. Ammonia sensors will be installed to monitor sensitive areas of the installation for possible ammonia leakages using the same strategy as developed in the industrial research phase.

During the technology transfer to the demonstrator, numerical models will be used to fine tune the engine performance and in the fuel lab alternative pilot fuels will be tested.


Way to improve future

This will result in a working demonstrator vehicle and highlight possible future improvements. Alternative liquid ignition promotion fuels will be examined in the NTNU test engine with the best option identified and communicated to use in the demonstrator. Based on a real demonstration plant, the models on environmental and economic impact indicators will be verified and validated providing substantiated results on the sustainability and profitability of ACTIVATEngine technology.


M5.1 Retrofitted agricultural tractor ready for testing and calibration (all require devices, systems, measuring apparatus have been installed at the tractor)     ☑ achieved

M5.2 The retrofitted engine of agricultural tractor adapted for ammonia combustion calibrated based on numerical and experimental findings. Tractor ready for real tests ☑ achieved

M5.3 Adapted agricultural tractor for ammonia combustion tested under wide range of real operating conditions ☑ achieved

M5.4 A set of alternative liquid ignition promoting fuels tested and assessed ☑ achieved

M5.5 Validation of LCA model performed ☑ achieved

M5.6 Levelized economic cost calculated ☑ achieved

M5.7 Modified SI engine ready for demonstration (SUT) ☑ achieved

News regarding Work Package 5

In October 2023 our paper titled “Experimental and numerical study...

In August 2023 a paper titled “Energy and Exergy Assessments...

ACTIVATE team had the pleasure to participate in the 1st Symposium...

Work package 1 started 4 months ago

Contact regarding WP5

Involved with lab-scale test, retrofitting CI engine for ammonia injection, designing fuel line and fuel injection systems, engine calibration, engine performance tests for various operational conditions


Grzegorz Przybyła

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