Paper published in Energy & Fuels
In October 2023 a paper titled “Ammonia in Dual-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines: Impact on NOx, N2O, and Soot Formation” was published in Energy & Fuels
In October 2023 a paper titled “Ammonia in Dual-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines: Impact on NOx, N2O, and Soot Formation” was published in Energy & Fuels
In October 2023 our paper titled “Experimental and numerical study on direct injection of liquid ammonia and its injection timing in an ammonia-biodiesel dual injection
In August 2023 a paper titled “Energy and Exergy Assessments of a Diesel-, Biodiesel-, and Ammonia-Fueled Compression Ignition Engine” was published in the International Journal
In June 2023, the progress of our research was published in an article titled “Simulations of ammonia spray evaporation, cooling, mixture formation and combustion in
The ACTIVATE team published their results on ammonia/diesel dual-fuel engine in the Journal of the Energy Institute (IF=6.47) on 12 December 2022. Free open access
The ACTIVATE team published their results on ammonia/biodiesel dual-fuel engine in the International Journal of Energy Research (IF=5.16) on 24 June 2022. Free open access
Deliverable D3.2 Optimised fuel mixture range for a given fuel injection strategy is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here.
Work Package 4 focusing on the Sustainability and Economic profitability assessment of the ACTIVATE technology finished on 30th September 2022. SUT team was able to
The SUT team in WP2 has successfully finished all tasks defined in WP2. Thus, they finished the last and final report of WP2 and delivered
Deliverable D2.3 is already online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D2.3 Report from test carried out at the test-rig with engine fuelled with diesel
Deliverable D4.1 is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D4.1 Map and quantification of all material and energy inputs and outputs.
Deliverable D3.1 has already been posted on our website. You can already download the report on 3D CFD analysis of ammonia injection in the Hatz
The Report on Operational characteristics for the target agricultural vehicle operated under indoor and outdoor conditions is already online and can be downloaded from here.
Deliverable 1.1 is already available online. The report on the Injection system details, first non-optimized engine results with NH3 as a fuel can be now
The Report on GDI pump testing and final design of test-rig for engine retrofitting for ammonia combustion (D2.1) has already been uploaded to our website
M1.1. Instrumented engine equipped with ammonia injection system, running and ready for optimization ☑ achieved
M1.2 Fuel injection strategy established ☑ achieved
M1.3 Dual fuel composition optimized ☑ achieved
M2.1 The GDI pump tested in working conditions with ammonia ☑ achieved
M2.2 Build and equipped test rig for testing operational conditions of the selected engine fuelled by diesel and biodiesel. ☑ achieved
M2.3 Ammonia fuelling system ready for installation at the test rig. ☑ achieved
M2.4 Lab-scale rig ready for testing dual-fuel combustion technology biodiesel/ammonia. ☑ achieved
M2.5 Ammonia combustion technology ready for demonstration. ☑ achieved
M3.1 Calibrated 3D CFD model and applicable to the simulation of flow conditions to help in positioning of ammonia injector in the combustion chamber ☑ achieved
M3.2 Calibrated 3D CFD and 0D SRM and applicable to the simulation of ammonia/biodiesel mixtures ☑ achieved
M3.3 Simulation process enabling extrapolation of findings from this work to other engines and operating conditions and hence, also optimization of engine
performance map for a given constraints such as combustion stability or engine load achieved
M4.1 Inventory analysis performed ☑ achieved
M4.2 Impact indicators and TEC calculated ☑ achieved
M4.3 Economic indicators obtained ☑ achieved
M5.1 Retrofitted agricultural tractor ready for testing and calibration (all require devices, systems, measuring apparatus have been installed at the tractor achieved
M5.2 The retrofitted engine of agricultural tractor adapted for ammonia combustion calibrated based on numerical and experimental findings. Tractor ready for real tests achieved
M5.3 Adapted agricultural tractor for ammonia combustion tested under wide range of real operating conditions achieved
M5.4 A set of alternative liquid ignition promoting fuels tested and assessed achieved
M5.5 Validation of LCA model performed achieved
M5.6 Levelized economic cost calculated achieved
D2.4 Final report for activities in WP2 ☑delivered
D5.1 Report from tractor retrofitting process for ammonia combustion ☑ delivered
D5.2 Demonstration of performance of alternative pilot fuels possibly used in the future ☑ delivered
D5.3 Report from tractor calibration ☑ delivered
D5.4 Final report for activities in WP5 ☑ delivered
D5.5 Demonstration of performance of alternative liquid fuels possibly used in the future ☑ delivered
D5.7 Report on economic profitability of ACTIVATEngine based on validated demo-scale data ☑ delivered
D5.8 Measurement data ready for publication from SI tests (39 months) ☑ delivered