Our latest results were published in Energy

In October 2023 our paper titled “Experimental and numerical study on direct injection of liquid ammonia and its injection timing in an ammonia-biodiesel dual injection engine” was published in the Energy.
Paper published in the International Journal of Energy Research

In August 2023 a paper titled “Energy and Exergy Assessments of a Diesel-, Biodiesel-, and Ammonia-Fueled Compression Ignition Engine” was published in the International Journal of Energy Research.
“Effects of ammonia on combustion, emissions, and performance of the ammonia/diesel dual-fuel compression ignition engine”

The ACTIVATE team published their results on ammonia/diesel dual-fuel engine in the Journal of the Energy Institute (IF=6.47) on 12 December 2022. Free open access here. Abstract: Ammonia is currently receiving more interest as a carbon-free alternative fuel for internal combustion engines (ICE). A promising energy carrier, easy to store and transport, being liquid, and […]
CFD simulation of ammonia/biodiesel CI engine

The SUT team in WP2 is also working on CFD simulation using CONVERGE CFD software in close cooperation with WP3 in NTNU and LOGE. This short video shows liquid ammonia spray with six nozzles of GDI injector and biodiesel spray with three nozzles of CR injector. Additionally, droplets temperature along with the in-cylinder temperature is […]
Special Session on ACTIVATE project during CPOTE2022 conference

Special Session on ACTIVATE project promoting ammonia as a promising energy carrier took place during the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE2022, on Thursday, 22 September 2022, 15:00-17:20 (Warsaw time zone). We presented the latest progress and key findings in respective work packages. More details about this event can be found […]
WP2 Achieved its goals

The SUT team in WP2 has successfully finished all tasks defined in WP2. Thus, they finished the last and final report of WP2 and delivered D2.4. They also achieved the last milestone defines in WP2, M2.5, which is about “Ammonia combustion technology ready for demonstration” During two years of WP2, the SUT team developed the […]
ACTIVATE on 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy

ACTIVATE team had the pleasure to participate in the 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy organized on 1-2 September 2022 at Cardiff University.Our research was presented in parallel sessions during the 2 days of this vibrant event. It was a great experience, including learning, sharing, and meeting other ammonia enthusiasts! Progress within the project was discussed in […]
Getting closer to direct injection (WP2)

SUT Team keeps working hard in the lab despite the sweltering heat in Gliwice, Poland. We are approaching ammonia combustion with direct injection. In the last few days, we managed to perform tests using the external Electronic Control Unit successfully and now we can report progress in the ammonia engine control.
“Effects of using ammonia as a primary fuel on engine performance and emissions in an ammonia/biodiesel dual-fuel CI engine “

The ACTIVATE team published their results on ammonia/biodiesel dual-fuel engine in the International Journal of Energy Research (IF=5.16) on 24 June 2022. Free open access here. Abstract: Ammonia is a promising alternative fuel that can replace current fossil fuels. Hydrogen carrier, zero carbon base emissions, liquid unlike hydrogen, and can be produced using renewable resources, […]
ACTIVATE after 18 months

The fourth ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place online on 28th April 2022. Here is a short summary of the meeting and its conclusions. ACTIVATE project is currently in its most intensive phase related to construction, experimental and modeling works. All work package leaders reported achievements after the first halftime of the project. The attention […]