Paper published in Energy & Fuels
In October 2023 a paper titled “Ammonia in Dual-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines: Impact on NOx, N2O, and Soot Formation” was published in Energy & Fuels journal.
Paper published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
In June 2023, the progress of our research was published in an article titled “Simulations of ammonia spray evaporation, cooling, mixture formation and combustion in a direct injection compression ignition engine” in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
New results – D3.2 is there!
Deliverable D3.2 Optimised fuel mixture range for a given fuel injection strategy is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here.
Special Session on ACTIVATE project during CPOTE2022 conference
Special Session on ACTIVATE project promoting ammonia as a promising energy carrier took place during the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE2022, on Thursday, 22 September 2022, 15:00-17:20 (Warsaw time zone). We presented the latest progress and key findings in respective work packages. More details about this event can be found […]
ACTIVATE on 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy
ACTIVATE team had the pleasure to participate in the 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy organized on 1-2 September 2022 at Cardiff University.Our research was presented in parallel sessions during the 2 days of this vibrant event. It was a great experience, including learning, sharing, and meeting other ammonia enthusiasts! Progress within the project was discussed in […]
Current developments in WP3
The research team in WP3, lead by LOGE Polska Sp. z o.o. has been recently dealing with Numerical investigations of diesel/ammonia and biodiesel/ammonia dual-fuel operation in compression ignition engine using 3D CFD and 0D SRM. The visual effects are presented in the picture below:
ACTIVATE after 18 months
The fourth ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place online on 28th April 2022. Here is a short summary of the meeting and its conclusions. ACTIVATE project is currently in its most intensive phase related to construction, experimental and modeling works. All work package leaders reported achievements after the first halftime of the project. The attention […]
ACTIVATE project on the PIS-PAN Scientific Seminar
The objectives of our project were presented during the Scientific Seminar of the Polish Institute of Combustion and the Combustion Section of the Committee on Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences.The seminar was held remotely on the MS Teams on April 20, 2022. This event was devoted to the presentation of selected […]
ACTIVATE Seminar 2021
The first promotional Seminar on ACTIVATE took place on 1 December 2021. 88 participants from all over the world met virtually on Ms Teams webinar platform to get familiar with the project concepts, progress, challenges, future plans, but also to listen to Keynote speeches given by the Invited Experts. The keynote presentations: Terese Løvås, NTNU, Overview […]
ACTIVATE after 12 months
The third ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place online on 28th October 2021. Here is a short summary of the meeting and its conclusions: Firstly, Wojciech Adamczyk, Principal Investigator of the ACTIVATE project started the meeting by greeting all of the participants and presenting the agenda of the meeting. Then, he made a general summary […]