Work Package 4 focusing on the Sustainability and Economic profitability assessment of the ACTIVATE technology finished on 30th September 2022.
SUT team was able to prepare a detailed LCA analysis basing on secondary, literature data as well as the experimental data for port-injection engine mode. As anticipated already in the project proposal, these results are treated as a first iteration of the assessment and will be validated, updated and improved during WP5 tasks.
All activities and so far obtained results are reported in three deliverables:
D4.2 Matrix of impact indicators for LCA obtained for ammonia driven engine
D4.3 Report on economic impact indicators of the technology
D4.4 Report on activities performed in the WP4
At the same time, we can report the achievement of all milestones planned for this WP, that is:
M4.1 Inventory analysis performed
M4.2 Impact indicators and TEC calculated
M4.3 Economic indicators obtained