New results – D3.2 is there!

Deliverable D3.2 Optimised fuel mixture range for a given fuel injection strategy is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here.
WP4 came to an end – 1st LCA results available – D4.2-4

Work Package 4 focusing on the Sustainability and Economic profitability assessment of the ACTIVATE technology finished on 30th September 2022. SUT team was able to prepare a detailed LCA analysis basing on secondary, literature data as well as the experimental data for port-injection engine mode. As anticipated already in the project proposal, these results are […]
WP2 Achieved its goals

The SUT team in WP2 has successfully finished all tasks defined in WP2. Thus, they finished the last and final report of WP2 and delivered D2.4. They also achieved the last milestone defines in WP2, M2.5, which is about “Ammonia combustion technology ready for demonstration” During two years of WP2, the SUT team developed the […]
First tests are over (D2.3)

Deliverable D2.3 is already online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D2.3 Report from test carried out at the test-rig with engine fuelled with diesel and biodiesel.
D4.1 – methodology path is paved

Deliverable D4.1 is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D4.1 Map and quantification of all material and energy inputs and outputs.
D3.1 is delivered

Deliverable D3.1 has already been posted on our website. You can already download the report on 3D CFD analysis of ammonia injection in the Hatz engine prepared by the WP3 team.
Report on operational characteristics is available (D2.2)

The Report on Operational characteristics for the target agricultural vehicle operated under indoor and outdoor conditions is already online and can be downloaded from here.
D1.1 is there!

Deliverable 1.1 is already available online. The report on the Injection system details, first non-optimized engine results with NH3 as a fuel can be now downloaded from our website.
First deliverables (D2.1)

The Report on GDI pump testing and final design of test-rig for engine retrofitting for ammonia combustion (D2.1) has already been uploaded to our website and can be downloaded from here.