Application for a patent
The Polish Patent Office accepted on February 16, 2022, a paper application for a patent for the invention entitled “Membrane stamping sealer”. We keep our fingers crossed for a quick grant of the patent!
First tests are over (D2.3)
Deliverable D2.3 is already online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D2.3 Report from test carried out at the test-rig with engine fuelled with diesel and biodiesel.
ACTIVATE Seminar 2021
The first promotional Seminar on ACTIVATE took place on 1 December 2021. 88 participants from all over the world met virtually on Ms Teams webinar platform to get familiar with the project concepts, progress, challenges, future plans, but also to listen to Keynote speeches given by the Invited Experts. The keynote presentations: Terese Løvås, NTNU, Overview […]
ACTIVATE after 12 months
The third ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place online on 28th October 2021. Here is a short summary of the meeting and its conclusions: Firstly, Wojciech Adamczyk, Principal Investigator of the ACTIVATE project started the meeting by greeting all of the participants and presenting the agenda of the meeting. Then, he made a general summary […]
D4.1 – methodology path is paved
Deliverable D4.1 is available online. The report can be downloaded directly here: D4.1 Map and quantification of all material and energy inputs and outputs.
D3.1 is delivered
Deliverable D3.1 has already been posted on our website. You can already download the report on 3D CFD analysis of ammonia injection in the Hatz engine prepared by the WP3 team.
Report on operational characteristics is available (D2.2)
The Report on Operational characteristics for the target agricultural vehicle operated under indoor and outdoor conditions is already online and can be downloaded from here.
D1.1 is there!
Deliverable 1.1 is already available online. The report on the Injection system details, first non-optimized engine results with NH3 as a fuel can be now downloaded from our website.
ACTIVATE after 6 months
The second ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place on 23rd April 2021. The pandemic reality forced us again to held the meeting online. Traditionally, the meeting started with a summary of formal topics: financial aspects, project promotion and reporting issues. However, the clue of the project meeting was to make an update on the progress […]
First deliverables (D2.1)
The Report on GDI pump testing and final design of test-rig for engine retrofitting for ammonia combustion (D2.1) has already been uploaded to our website and can be downloaded from here.