Implementation of the ACTIVATE Project

We are pleased to announce that information about the implementation of the ACTIVATE project has been featured in the Bulletin of the Silesian University of Technology. You can read the article at the following link: We wish you pleasant reading.

The ammonia-fueled mini-tractor

After three years of dedicated effort, we are excited to present an ammonia-fueled mini-tractor, equipped with a direct injection compression ignition engine. This innovative vehicle is located at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland. We believe this technology to be a viable option in the forthcoming energy transition that aims to decarbonize our […]

Presentation during NFD2023

On November 29 and 30, 2023, the NFD2023: Nordic Flame Days 2023 conference took place, focusing on combustion and related processes, where the ACTIVATE team presented their research findings: Concept of agriculture tractor driven by ammonia combustion engine Marcin Jewiarz, Grzegorz Przybyła, Krzysztof Mudryk, Marek Wróbel, Piotr Łyszczarz, Łukasz Ziółkowski, Ebrahim Nadimi, Wojciech Adamczyk and […]

Support for Ukrainian Researchers, ACTIVATE_UA

From 1.11.2022 to 31.10.2023, in addition to the ACTIVATE project, a project entitled ACTIVATE_UA – Robotic Platform for Horticulture was implemented within the Scheme Support for Ukrainian Researchers under Bilateral Fund of ‘Applied Research’ Programme. Number of the Action contract: FWD/I/105/CoBotAGV_UA/2022 Researcher: PhD Taras Hutsol, Professor PNU Study description: Nowadays, intensive horticultural crops are becoming […]

ACTIVATE media promotion

Our project was promoted on ‘Scientific-Journalistic Quick Dates’ which took place on 7th November 2022. On behalf of the whole consortium, Karolina Petela (SUT team) was interviewed by journalists from Radio EM Katowice, Polish Press Agency and by SUT’s spokesman. The interviews focused on ammonia as the fuel of the future and on the promising […]

ACTIVATE after 6 months

The second ACTIVATE project consortium meeting took place on 23rd April 2021. The pandemic reality forced us again to held the meeting online. Traditionally, the meeting started with a summary of formal topics: financial aspects, project promotion and reporting issues. However, the clue of the project meeting was to make an update on the progress […]

Kickoff meeting

The ACTIVATE project kickoff was held online on 8th October 2020. In short, it was the first meeting meant to lay foundation for our successful cooperation. Firstly, the Partners were introduced: Project Promoter: Silesian University of Technology (SUT) Norwegian Partner: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Industrial Partner: LOGE Polska sp. z o.o. Agriculture […]

ACTIVATE project launched!

The project „Ammonia as carbon free fuel for internal combustion engine driven agricultural vehicle” was launched on 1 October 2020. The ACTIVATE project received funding under the POLNOR 2019 competition announced by the National Centre for Research and Development in the frame of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The aim of the ACTIVATE project is […]